2025 Contest

Words can have a profound impact on individuals and groups.  What words have helped you or your community grow and develop?  What words would help?  

Link to theme prompts

2025 Anne Bradstreet Poetry Contest Rules


Open to all who either live, work or go to school in North Andover or Andover
 Submissions are accepted in 5 age categories:

  • Grades K-2
  • Grades 3-5
  • Middle School (Grades 6-8)
  • High School (Grades 9-12)
  • Adult


  • The poems can be in any style. They can be rhyming or free verse.
     Write a poem however the theme inspires you. Be creative!
  • The poem should be newly written for this year’s contest and not have been submitted elsewhere.

The winner and finalists in each category will be invited to perform their poems on the North Andover Common at the awards celebration in May.

By submitting a poem, the author / parent / guardian gives the North Andover Poet Laureate Committee the right to publish the poems online and on the FB North Andover Poets page, and in a collected book of poems for the event.

Parents/guardians of school age children have the right to approve what identifying  information for school age children is published: 1) the name, school, and grade, 2) initials, school and grade, or 3) only school and grade is published.

The poem copyright remains with the author.


Submit Poem Here

By submitting a poem to the contest you are agreeing to the official contest rules


  • Feb 15 Contest Opens
  • April 1 Final date to submit poems
  • April 17 Winners and finalists announced 
  • May 3 Award ceremony on the North Andover Common . Winners and finalists will read their poems.
  • May 10 rain date

Email any questions to [email protected]

The contest and poetry celebration is sponsored by the
North Andover Poet Laureate Committee
Karen M. Kline, Chair

Theme Prompts